County Progress Funding Details

When your county reaches:

Goal #1 $999

Control & Defense Decoy

My County's Progress

Wisconsinites Coming Together to Crowdfund Local Police Training

Select WI County
Kenosha Ozaukee Milwaukee Racine Washington Waukesha

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Submit your donation.

Let's Build a Better Community Together!

When your county reaches:

Goal #2 $13,000


My County's Progress

Save Lives, Donate Now!

Krausko Tactical Training Equipment trains police for de-escalation and the proper use of force.

Current Progress By County:

$13K Robo-Trainer
$999 Control & Defense Decoy
Milwaukee County $210
Ozaukee County $145
Waukesha County $592
Racine County $1,490
Kenosha County $298
Washington County $200

When your county reaches:

Goal #1 $999

Control & Defense Decoy

Goal #2 $13K

Robo Trainer

Benefits of Krausko Tactical Equipment:

  • Re-Train for de-escalations tactics with restraints & takedown drills that decrease injuries
  • Puncture and impact resistant for taser/non-lethal projectile training
  • Eliminate the risk of bite suit injuries in K-9 apprehension drills
  • Increase training intensity and consistency to improve proper use of force & learn muscle memory in threatening situations

For real improvements in police and civilian safety, you need real investment in your local law enforcement. Take action now and donate directly to cops that protect and serve YOUR Wisconsin neighborhood. Each donation will go towards the purchase of Krausko Tactical’s police training equipment that improves training and increases the safety of your own police force and the community they serve.

$999 in donations, your local law enforcement will be equipped with a Control and Defense Decoy.

$13,000 they will receive both the Control and Defense Decoy. and the state-of-the-art Robo-Trainer.

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